SOAH’s goal is to make “No place for hate” a reality in Sussex County, DE and beyond. It is only through ACTION by our volunteers can we make this happen.
What to Expect
- Calling all who want to get involved and volunteer in our dynamic new organization! We love having so many of you come to our Community Meetings via Zoom and especially in person and participate in the lively discussions that ensue.
We are all about action and have been working to get our message out to the community. SOAH has 5 facilitated Action Groups up and running – Youth and School Officials, Business Leaders, First Responders, Faith Leaders and Elected Officials and each would love to have you sign up and work with one or more of them.
There is also a need for folks to assist in developing our PR and news profile, as well as those who are tech savvy. If you are looking for a low-profile entry to volunteering with minimal obligation, we can always use help at the registration desk for our Community Meetings and meeting registration at our events. Even working on letter writing campaigns and setting up for meetings and events is a great way to build your presence with SOAH.
We are an action-oriented group and will find something for anyone who wishes to participate in our meetings, activities, outreach or wherever you feel your talents are best served. Hopefully one of these opportunities speaks to you and we invite you to sign up on the form below.