You’ll help to expand SOAH’s reach in Sussex County and the State of Delaware, to participate in community events, create youth scholarships and to sustain the operations of SOAH.
Or send a check to:
SOAH PO Box 1102, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971
Thank you for your generosity!
About SOAH
SOAH is a 501 (c) (3) Delaware corporation and relies entirely on tax deductible donations to maintain and enhance its operations. There are no paid staff; one hundred percent of all funds are utilized for programming, technology, event participation and the like. One hundred per cent of donations collected by SOAH are utilized to further the goals of SOAH.
SOAH has undertaken an effort to confront the hatred becoming normalized in our communities and country. SOAH members are actively meeting and working with public facing officials, business leaders, elected officials, faith leaders, school and youth leaders and police leaders, encouraging them to speak to their communities about the need to confront the rise in hatred. All Action Groups are comprised of concerned citizens as they continue to drive the Mission of SOAH forward.
SOAH has held four Community Meetings since its inception in October 2023, the purpose of which is to inform our attendees about efforts being made to address the societal and cultural divide that permeates and is negatively impacting Sussex County, Delaware and our Country generally. Over 170 individuals registered to attend that first meeting either in person at the Lewes Library or via Zoom. Since then, we have held meetings every other month, all of which were well attended. Those meetings have included presentations by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), police leaders, faith leaders, business leaders, school leaders, youth, elected officials, including Delaware’s Attorney General, political leaders and community social action advocates.
Our goal is to make “No Hate Here” a reality in Delaware!
Please join us in this crucial effort.

Our Mission Statement
Speak Out Against Hate (SOAH) has been formed for the express purpose of confronting and countering the rising tide of hate, wherever and whenever it exists in a direct, focused and ongoing manner. SOAH seeks to engage in this effort with all people of good faith; community leaders, businesses, elected officials, clergy, law enforcement personnel, young and old, regardless of color, creed, sexual orientation, national origin or religion. SOAH will speak out early, often and follow-up on the rising incidents and expressions of hate and join forces in this effort with all similarly motivated individuals and organizations. SOAH will insist that those in positions to execute policies and regulations speak out and develop strategies for legislation and policies to prevent this hateful and potentially destructive behavior. SOAH’s goal is to make “No hate here” a reality in Delaware. All who are against hate are welcome to join SOAH.