SOAH members are actively meeting and working with public facing officials, business leaders, elected officials, faith leaders, school and youth leaders and first responders, encouraging them to speak to their communities about the need to confront the rise in hatred.
All Action Groups are comprised of concerned citizens as they continue to drive the Mission of SOAH forward.
About Our Action Groups
Youth and School Officials Action Group
Facilitated by: Patty Maloney and Leslie Slan
There are 20 volunteers in the Youth & School Officials Action Group, several of which met with Rachel Greenberg, Assistant Education Director with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). One of the goals of this Action Group is to bring the free ADL program “No Place for Hate “ a K through 12, anti-bullying and anti-bias program to Cape Henlopen HS and beyond.
No Place for Hate enables schools and organizations to challenge antisemitism, racism and bigotry in all forms. By providing an innovative and powerful model for creating more inclusive environments, No Place for Hate aims to reduce bias and bullying, increase appreciation for diversity and build communities of respect. With Cape as a model, we will introduce other schools in western Sussex County to this ADL program.
On July 8, several Action Group members met with Dr. Mike Young, Assistant Superintendent of Cape Henlopen School District and Rachel Greenberg. After hearing the presentation, Dr. Young expressed interest in integrating the program into the high schools. We and Rachel Greenberg will follow up.
July 15, several attended the Milford School Board meeting, where controversial limitations on student and teacher’s free speech were presented. After much dissent, the idea was tabled! SOAH Chair, Patty Maloney wrote a letter supporting student and teacher’s rights to the local news publications on behalf of the Youth and School Officials Action Group of SOAH.
Upcoming action projects to encourage high school student participation with SOAH include, but are not limited to:
- Giving out “anti-bias statement” bracelets created by Schell Brothers, Inc. at Cape Henlopen High School in October, 2024, asking students to agree with saying/doing something kind to receive a bracelet.
- Sponsoring a “Silent Disco” event at Lefty’s for fun (pizza and dancing) and recruitment with info on SOAH to work on a project.
- Work with Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence to bring the message of SOAH.
- Work to ensure the Viking Gazette which produces articles on social justice issues is available to all Cape high school students and staff.